Having It All…

Realtor Moms, LUVA, Sara R Layne Pedro, Working Moms, Hawaii Real Estate

Well, as much as I love writing about the Big Island of Hawaii Real Estate market, I am in the middle of real life and I thought, why not share it!

After almost a decade in the health care industry and having the luxury to work from home, I hit a crossroad. The company that I worked for and I parted ways, so I shifted my focus to being a full time stay at home mom. In early 2014 my youngest was ready to start Preschool and I had absolutely no idea what was next for me. My first thought was to go back into medical office management, but after much thought I felt that wasn’t a desire of mine anymore. So there I was, lost. Slowly I began thinking about Real Estate. Having a brother in the Commercial Real Estate industry in California, I loved seeing how he truly loved his work, but also could manage his family time and be there for my nephews sports and activities. And of course, still making a living.

Every Realtor will laugh when I say, I was THAT person… I said well, I love houses and architecture and the idea of being a Realtor. But truly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. When I chose to start Real Estate classes my mind was stuck on the thought that I could make my own schedule and still be the mother my children needed. This is an extremely unrealistic view. Unfortunately I didn’t realize that until I actually hung my license. But I think this is so common for mom’s. Our first thoughts are always to make sure our children have us around to raise them, and honestly most companies aren’t very flexible to allow this.

Lucky for me, I absolutely love being a Realtor! And LUVA Real Estate helped me learn the ins and outs of the trade and supported me 1000%. I am so grateful for them through this process.

With that said, this was my first working summer with children, and it didn’t go as planned. I had worked for years of course, but working from a home computer where I could still be there for my little ones is very different than having office meetings, property showings and putting Listings on caravan! I had never been so stretched thin!

I wanted to be everywhere. I was being pulled to my limits. I think I cried more this summer than I have in a full year combined. Not only did I start a new career, but my husband also had taken on more hours, working two hours away. And we live on an island with no family, I might add. I was completely torn between work, motherhood and being a housewife.

There is just not enough time in the day. At least that is how I was feeling at the time. But in the past few months I have completely revamped my thinking. I am determined that I can have it all. I can be a great mom and wife, and be an awesome Realtor! All in all, I’ve recognized that time management is key. Reading and exercising for sanity and a whole lot of love around me is my way of moving through life. Learning not to put expectations on life, instead making goals and making them happen! Things don’t always go as planned and acknowledging that is ok.

So what does having it all mean for me? It means I need balance, I need time for myself, for my husband, time for my beautiful children and of course time for my career. I am extremely hopeful for my future as a Realtor. And I know some would say putting myself out there like this may not help my career. But I am completely ok with letting my potential clients know that I am human. I have challenges. But, I also work through my challenges. I am not the right Real Estate Agent for everyone, but if you are looking for someone who will work her heart out for you right after she drops her kids off at school, then I am the girl for you!


  1. Roxy Smith

    1st off great picture of u and the family! My thoughts exactly…I struggled for years feeling like a bad mother because of the lack of time I spent with the kids. But what I’ve come to accept is Quality over Quantity. My time I spend with the kids I try to make it quality time?…thank you for your thoughts

    • saralaynepedro@gmail.com

      You are so right, quality over quantity, I love that 🙂 I’m still a work in progress as a working mom but I love so much that we all can understand each other and give and receive advice to help each other as parents succeed! Thank you so much for reading my blog and your support!

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